1st Corero Security Leadership Summit – May 2024

Corero, a UK-based company specializing in protection against denial-of-service attacks, with whom we maintain an exclusive revenue-sharing partnership in the Latin American market, brought together a group of 30 global leaders, including partners and clients, at their Development Center in Edinburgh, Scotland, from May 13 to 16, to discuss the landscape and evolution of denial-of-service threats with academic personalities from the fields of technology and sociology, as well as Corero’s team of executives and engineers.

Álvaro Aquino, General Manager of TechEnabler and the only invitee from Latin America among executives from Germany, Spain, USA, France, India/Pakistan, Japan, New Zealand, and Sweden, spoke at the event about Network Protection with Managed Security Services. The presentation included TechEnabler’s success stories as an MSSP (Managed Security Services Provider) for Brazilian ISPs (Internet Service Providers).

See TechEnabler’s presentation at the Edinburgh event here:

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We are a company with multidisciplinary expertise that represents more than 25 years of executive experience in the Telecommunications and IT, with a strong performance and relationship in the Brazilian and Latin American markets